Sunday, October 3, 2010

Doula's Notes

So on Friday, we finally had our post partum visit with our doula, Kari. I had put it off for so long because I felt so overwhelmed with visitors and just trying to adjust to taking care of a newborn. It felt good to go over everything and just catch up again too. She gave me her notes from my labor so now I can see how long everything actually took. I thought I'd post it on here so you can see it too. Everything felt like it took much longer but I guess it didn't! Some of the pain and problems I had now make sense after know our little love bug was sunny side up. They didn't even suspect it until I was like 9 1/2 centimeters!

Here's the notes! My additions are in red.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
7:30 am- bit of bright blood-called clinic-when you went in, they put you on monitors
11:06 am- you called me saying that according to the monitors, you were having contractions but you were not feeling them
1:24 pm- you were now feeling contractions as back ache as well as in the uterus
*during the afternoon, I was facebooking and trying to sell my tickets to Gabriel Iglesias comedy show for Friday... I also didn't tell Jon I was having contractions because I didn't want him to worry*
3:33 pm- contractions were 4-6 minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds
7:20 pm- you called me and asked me to come to your house-contractions were about 3 minutes apart *I had been fighting calling her because I wanted to stay home as long as possible and I knew once I called her, I'd want to go to the hospital soon after*
8:18 pm- I arrived at your house
9 pm- you decided it was time to go to the hospital-contractions were 3-4 minutes apart- you rode with Jon and I drove behind you and called the hospital to tell them we were on the way
9:40 pm- we all arrived at the hospital-I walked in with you while Jon parked the car-he met us at the nurses' station in Labor And Delivery
10 pm- into the Observation Room
*They hooked me up onto monitors and spent a lot of time deciding if I should be admitted. I kept overhearing "She's a good candidate for walking"*
11:30 pm- admitted after vaginal exam that showed you at 4 cm, 80% effaced, and the baby was at a -2 station

Thursday, August 19, 2010

12 am- requested an epidural
12:30 am- started an IV
12:40 am- you asked to "Make it stop!"
1 am- the resident dr told you that you were GBS+ and that you would have to have antibiotics
1:30 am- the anesthesiologist arrived
1:40 am- the nurse stated that you had a little leak from the amniotic sac
1:45 am- Jon and I left the room while the dr administered the epidural
2:30 am- I came back into the room while they inserted the foley catheter-after that, I went and got Jon from the waiting room
2:42 am- Jon looks at the monitor and says, "Your contractions seem to have tapered off a little."
2:45 am- the epidural had taken effect and you were resting
3:20 am- the baby had moved from the monitor and the nurse propped a pillow under your right side to see if she could get a better reading in that position
3:32 am- vaginal exam that showed 5 cm, 80% effaced and 0 to -1 station-decided to artificially rupture the membranes- there was light meconium
4 am- contractions are still 5-7 minutes apart and the dr discussed starting pitocin
4:15 am- pitocin is started and increased once over the next hour-also moved the pillows to the left side
5:02 am- fetal heart tone is erratic and dipping-moved pillows back to the right side-dr suggested an internal monitor for the baby-the nurse asked about any sensations and you answered that you were feeling pressure like a bowel movement
5:05 am- vaginal exam showed 9 1/2 cm-they started the second dose of antibiotics
5:15 am- started pushing-dr inserted fetal scalp monitor-baby's heart rate was higher than it had been
7:06 am- Kali is born-she was a straight OP (completely posterior)-there was thick meconium and you had a second degree tear
*I remember the nurses being shocked that I gave birth to Kali, who was sunny side up, without any vacuum or forcep assistance!*
Kali weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces and was 19 inches long

Monday, September 27, 2010

Got to do the baby picture comparison!
With Grandma Linda at the hospital
With my Lola Alicia and Lolo Phil... That's tagalog for grandma and grandpa!
With Grandpa Tim

September pics

10 pounds!
I like to snuggle with my Daddy when he gets home from work.
I LOVE my paci! Don't take it away from me!

Ninang Tina says I should root for the Beavers... Go Beavers! Go OSU!
Just chillin' at Mommy's breastfeeding support group.

I'm not a model but I look like one! Ha ha!
Hanging out with Papa.
Go Sharks!
They say I sleep like Mommy.
Ha ha! I got Mommy now!
Kissy face!
It's so hard being this cute! ;-)

It's so hard to blog

August 2010

Daddy and Kali

One week!

So tiny!

Coming home!

It's so hard to blog with a baby around! But I wouldn't give up the time away from the computer. I love my quality time with Kali, even when she's fussy and I feel ragged by the end of the day. Today she's in her 5th week and doing well. We had latching problems in the beginning but we're breastfeeding much better now. I've tried to use the gDiapers on and off since she had reached the 8 pound mark to little success. I think she's telling me to try something else since every time I put her in one, she's had a blowout. TMI, I know but it's the truth. I'm thinking of maybe trying the old school cloth diapers and try using the gDiaper as the cover. It sucks because I was so excited and sure about the diapers that I had opened up all the packages. So now I can't return or exchange any of it. Hopefully, I can sell them to someone that likes them. I thin the problem is that the inserts dont really fit her that well. They need to be wider or something.

I've been doing a photography project where I take a picture of Kali every day and will do so up till her first birthday. It's amazing how fast she's changing and growing! I look back and can't believe how tiny and delicate she seemed compared to now. Last time I weighed her, she was 10 pounds! Roughly a pound a week! Crazy!

Laundry still has yet to be folded but thankfully, Jon is at least able to throw it into the wash and dryer for me. I don't know how single parents do it. If Jon wasn't around, I don't know that I'd ever be able to get around to eating a meal or even just relax for a few minutes!

Jon's contract is over at the end of the month. Hopefully he'll find something soon. I'm going to have to look for work which I don't want to do but we can't financially afford to have me stay at home once my FMLA and Disability runs out. I breaks my heart that after fighting through the problems with breastfeeding, that I'll have to put her on the bottle part time. I know we all do what we have to do, but it still sucks. Hopefully we'll either win the lottery or Jon will land a job that will pay enough so that I can stay home at least for her first year. Fingers crossed!

Hopefully I can squeeze in time to update this more regularly but I'm already at the mercy of my daughter's whims. Ha ha! But I love every bit of it! As cheesy as it sounds, it really is all worth it. I love my little bug with all my heart!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Labor Story:

Kali Bettianne Smith blessed us with her appearance on August 19 at 7:06am. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 6 ounces, measuring 19" and had the most beautiful cry as soon as she came out. Definitely the prenatal yoga helped with my breathing, focus, and speedy recovery. And the info sheets I got in yoga class came in handy this weekend too. I was so glad to be able to pull out my folder on breastfeeding to keep me motivated!

Also the loka chant helps soothe her. I think it's become familiar to her after hearing it every Wednesday for the past few months. :-). I highly recommend having a doula. She was so helpful not only to myself but to my husband. Her guidance and gentle reminders of our intentions were invaluable.

Wednesday around 7:30am, I called my doula about some spotting and after she calmed me, I called VMC to see if I should go in. They had me go in as a precaution and monitored me for a couple hours to see if they'd admit me. Surprise, surprise! I was having regular contractions altho I didn't feel them at all! They decided the spotting was my bloody show and sent me home, with the dr saying she'd probably see me for the baby's bday in the next few days.

As I drove home, I started to feel Light contractions so I decided to stay home from yoga and relax. I called my doula to update her and she recommended timing them so we'd know if they were Braxton hicks. Meanwhile she'd have her bag ready just in case. All day the contractions were the same pain level (manageable, just uncomfy like a bad period day) and gradually were 6 minutes apart. They stayed that way for several hours so I didn't bother calling my hubby who was at work. I figured I could be at this for a couple days, why worry him? Haha!

This whole time I'm facebooking about it cuz I had to sell my tickets for the improv on Friday since I thought I'd still be feeling the labor by then. Lol! Jon comes home and I let him know I'm in early labor and to please get my yoga mat from upstairs so I can be on the floor. I just naturally wanted to go into a cats pose to relieve the back pain. I understand now how your body will just know what to do. Rocking the hips and letting out the sighs is awesome!

Jon started the BBQ because I said I was hungry and as long as I could talk thru my contractions, that we'd prob still have a ways to go. Well, no sooner than he got the chicken on the grill, that the contractions kicked it up a notch and started to inch closer together. Hubby wanted to call Kari, our doula, but I wanted to wait. I think I knew that as soon as I called her, I'd want to go to the hospital and we were trying to stay home till they were 3 mins apart.

About 7pm, I called Kari. She arrived an hour later and helped us stay relaxed while I rode the contraction waves. It really did help to think of them as waves so you can make it thru and relax before the next one! When they were varying between 3-4 mins apart, I decided I was ready to go in. I was admitted around 11pm. It was packed at the L&D! I'm brought into the labor room and I requested an epidural to relieve myself of the back pain so I could rest. The pain relief was great... Finding out after my hr nap that my labor had stalled an actually started to backtrack was not.

If you need a moment to decide on taking a medication, don't be afraid to be aggressive about it! They were pushing pitocin but I needed a moment to weigh all the circumstances since I was against using pitocin in my birth plan. The dr didn't like it but I insisted on my 5 mins alone to think. I ended up having the pitocin but at least it was on my terms.

And with one intervention, it quickly rolls into more being suggested. They put the fetal monitor on her since they couldn't get a good reading on the external monitors. I kept feeling like I had to poop but didn't mention it as I thought it was just stronger contractions. The nurse checked my vitals and asked if I felt anything. I told her yeah, like I have to poop. She looked at me then the monitor and checked me... "Oh! Honey! You're complete! You're ready to go! Good thing I asked!"

With Kari, Jon, and the nurse cheering me on, I tried to push. Unfortunately it was difficult because of the epidural. I couldn't feel how to push. Soon it started to wear off a bit (thank you above cuz they started talk about possible c section) and I could feel the urge to push. I used the c sect as motivation to bring Kali into the world. She kept being very close to popping out but she just wasn't making past that point. She pooped while still in there and the nurse told me to push her out so they wouldn't have to do a c sect. I pushed and pushed. There was talk of maybe using the vacuum to assist. I was getting very tired and ready to give up and give in. But Kari and Jon kept telling me I could do it and that we were so close. If it wasn't for them, I might've given in.

Finally we get to where the nurse says one more push and she's out. "now don't push so I can grab the team that's outside!". It was a team to check my baby girl as soon as she arrived because of the meconium.

As she ran out the door, I said I can't wait. Kari looked at Jon, they both got my legs ready, I looked at both of them, and as soon as Kari smiled and whispered, "go for it". I pushed with all my might. Rebellious a bit, I know but my body said Kali was coming NOW. Lol! She just started to poke thru just as the nurse and team came in. The dr's intern and my nurse ran up to catch... I think the nurse kinda pushed the intern aside, since she'd been with me for all the pushing. Lol! Kari, nurse, and intern all kinda caught her at the same time.

I felt a big relief as she came out. Jon and I burst into tears as soon as we heard Kali's cry that she was here. My nurse said I had back pain because I was actually having back labor. Kali came head up so that's why it was harder to push her out. The nurses were excited because i had an unassisted vaginal birth (no vacuum or forceps) with Kali facing up. I kissed my baby girl as soon as she was given back to me then new papa, Jon, held her as they stitched me up. I had a 2nd degree tear. It was more uncomfortable rather than painful the next couple of days. With a stool softener and the perennial bottle, it's totally manageable. Have no fear! It's really not bad. :-)

We were able to spend almost 3 hrs just holding her before they took her to the nursery for weighing, etc. It helped they were so packed that they didn't have another room to put me. ;-) fate works out great like that sometimes. :-)

I can't wait till I can try out a mommy and me yoga class! Right now my focus is to get breastfeeding down so I feel more confident leaving the house. Breastfeeding is trying but I'm determined to push thru! It worked in labor, right? :-). Both Kali and I are making some progress in it and taking our time as we are both learning together.

The last...

The last belly pic before Kali made her appearance!

Week 38:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting closer!

I can't wait! I'm so ready for whenever she'd like to make her debut into the world. :-)
Belly Compare!!!

Week 37: